客户反馈 |
客户: Annie from Yorkbbs.ca
“自2005年起,Fred和Sam就与我们合作,我们一直以最热情的工作态度,秉持着服务社区的理念,为论坛上还有所有的新移民,留学生提供服务,我们共同开拓了市场,在这个过程中,Sam和Fred主要帮助了我们的留学生还有新移民解决了很多置业和投资方面的问题……” |
客户: Young Investor
“(我们)买房一开始只是为了居住,在和Fred Sam的认识和接触过程中,我们开始对买房越来越有兴趣,然后就开始了购买更多的房产……”
客户: Gang Wu, Barrister & Solicitor
客户: Penny Peltier, Broker of Record from Great Land Global Realty
“I can just make a quick phone call to you (Express Realty Inc.), and you can bring hundreds of customers…It will be a nice relationship, because I can offer you as many units as you pretty much need….we can have a good future together…” |
客户: David Chung, Menkes
“他 (Sam) 真的很兢兢业业来看你需要什么,希望得到什么,可以帮到你, 他(Sam)是一个很好的顾问……” |
客户: Holic Levitt
“Sam comes to me with a wonderful concept and great opportunities for his clients to invest their money in the real estate market… One of Sam’s greatest attributes is the professionalism and the speed at which he does things…”
客户: Tim Toole of Deaconwood
“It (Express Realty Inc.) is a great concept; and I think it’s the way of the future…”
客户: Annie Li TD Bank Mortgage Broker
“恭祝Sam的地产公司 (Express Realty Inc.) 做的非常成功,生意兴隆……”